Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managing change at bingham business college Essay

Managing change at bingham business college - Essay Example Having said that, Stacey (2011, p.27) cautions that â€Å"the particular explanation one adopts directly affects the particular account one gives of any phenomena, including those to which the concepts of strategy and organisational change apply†. Thus this interpretation is partial and not objective, which is not how business situations should be viewed. The correct business approach to problem solving is represented in the rational decision-making process described by Miller et al (1996): Figure 1: Rational Decision Making Model (Source: based on Miller et al, 1996, p.76) This appears to be the approach taken by Snook when devising his new system. However, what he perceives as a problem is not necessarily a problem. His issue is how the Central Records Office appears to those outside of the Office, with data security and the impact of anticipated increases in student numbers seemingly secondary to his primary impression of the Office as being unprofessional. He wants the Col lege to appear professional and the Office to appear the same as part of that. He makes several assumptions about the original Office set-up, including it is inefficient (â€Å"it must be, it’s a mess†) and that a fundamental restructuring is needed. He ignores evidence showing the Office has been operating at 120% capacity, using the original system, that he doesn’t like, and proceeds with his ideas without advising the Office staff of the potential for additional student enrolments or asking them for their views on how the Office might need to change to deal with this. At no point has he actually discussed his opinion of the Office with the staff, which might have averted the crisis that now exists. He even ignores the warning from his â€Å"expert† that the Head of Central Records would not be comfortable with the proposals, projecting his own preferences onto Fearne to justify his decision. Ignoring Roberts’ point, when it is made by someone wh o has been at the College for some time and therefore knows how things operate both formally and informally, is a major error of judgment on the part of Snook, who has only been in post for a matter of months. A Learning Organisation Perspective A learning organisation is one that â€Å"encourages and facilitates the learning and development of people at all levels of the organisation, values the learning and simultaneously transforms itself† (Mullins, 2010, p.827). Stacey (2010, p.99) looks at different approaches to strategy, stating that one belief is that â€Å"an organisation’s strategic development could be better understood as arising in processes of learning†. Organisations become what they are due to â€Å"the quality of their learning processes†, with organisational leaders required to â€Å"design learning processes and inspire effective learning† (ibid). Fearne would argue the learning experience for her and her team is one of how not t o manage change. Snook’s imposition of the change indicates he does not consider the College to be a learning organisation, nor does he consider the Office staff have any knowledge which could be useful to him in redesigning the Office systems. He also believes the staff do not need development, which could have happened had he involved the staff in the change process. Stacey (ibid) refers to Senge’

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Religious Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Religious Terrorism - Essay Example However there is a major difference between sect and cult. A sect is a consequence of an established religion where mostly people either die off or expand into a major denomination so a sect-based religious group is more likely to play the role of the victim, not the aggressor.A cult, on the other hand, is a more dangerous, spiritually innovative group headed by a charismatic leader who usually motivates his group and has several aims other than to become a major denomination. Today's terrorists are ultimately more apocalyptic in their perspectives and methods. For many violent and radical organizations, terror has evolved from being a means to an end, to becoming the end in itself. The National Commission on Terrorism quoted R. James Woolsey: Another feature of religious cults that makes them incredibly dangerous is the personality-driven nature of these groups. Cultist devotion to one leader leaves followers less able to make their own moral decisions or to consult other sources of reasoning. If that leader is emotionally or mentally unstable, the consequences can be catastrophic. The more dangerous religious terrorist groups from traditional faiths may often share this feature of the cult as a charismatic leader who exerts a powerful influence over the members of the group. (Matthew J. Morgan, 2004) Again I would like to link the acts of religious terrorism to brainwashing, as to how it relates to terrorism. Cults usually possesses one main aspiration in mind i.e., to motivate and inspire their groups to the utmost till a stage comes where the groups no longer needs to be motivated and appear in one of the following categories: Intentional Brainwashing - the victim knows as to what he is doing in terms of rights and wrongs. He is aware of all the consequences and still likes to be brainwashed. Unintentional Brainwashing - the victim is deeply inspired by the aggressor to the utmost that he is unaware of his own condition. (Uncertainty) Causes It is important to distinguish religious terrorists from those terrorists with religious components, but whose primary goals are political. Religiously motivated terrorist groups grew sixfold from 1980 to 1992 and continued to increase in the 1990s. Hoffman asserted: "The religious imperative for terrorism is the most important characteristic of terrorist activity today." Today's terrorists increasingly look at their acts of death and destruction as sacramental or transcendental on a spiritual level. The pragmatic reservations of secular terrorists do not hold back religious terrorists. Secular terrorists may view indiscriminate violence as immoral. For religious terrorists, however, indiscriminate violence may not be only morally justified, but constitute a righteous and necessary advancement of their religious cause. As Hoffman observed, the constituency itself differs between religious and secular terrorists. Secular terrorists seek to defend or promote some disenfranchised population and to appeal to sympathizers or prospective sympathizers. Religious terrorists are often limited to their own constituencies, having no

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Barista Structure And Culture

Barista Structure And Culture This report is about the performance of the Barista Cafe. It is owned by Lavazza, Italys largest coffee company which has 46.5% shares in the Italian market and operates in more than 80 countries in different sectors. It is very essential for the company to put emphasis on organizational aspects such as the Structure, Culture and the Design. This report mainly analyzes the organizational structure and culture of the company and how they are changing according to the global competition market. Every structural design they have followed evidently shows the history and the perfection of the company.   The Barista Cafe chain is also known as Barista Lavazza. The name Lavazza, being synonymous with all things Italian culture creativity, art, passion for espresso, evolved into an international powerhouse of Italy. The first ever Cafe Barista was established in 1999. The following report starts off with detailing the structure and culture of Cafe Barista and further focuses mainly on the ir Indian counterpart known as Barista Lavazza. The company was promoted with initial amount of Rs.20 Crores by Java Coffee Company Ltd., owned by the Turner Morrison group of Lacoste fame. Barista Lavazza (coffee) chain of Espresso bars has franchisee outlets in 22 cities all over India, which deliver a true Italian coffee experience to their customers. Their main aim is to provide a true ambiance for people to enjoy their cup of coffee, enhanced by their very own Latte art. Cafà © Barista targets young adult people as their clientele, who come to the cafe to get exposed to the global lifestyle and taste the bonafide flavours of coffee. The Structure: The structure of the Barista Lavazza is relatively a Mechanistic structure, since the majority of the personals who are working in the organization are involved in the production and sale departments, while the decision making powers are in couple of hands in management. Each person is individually specialised and is aware of their responsibilities (Jones 2006, P177-198).  Production, Sales and Marketing and lastly the General/Administrative group are the three functional groups that comprise the structure of Cafe Barista  Production involve the Customer Service Specialists, who will be manning the Drive-thrus and Mobile Cafes and blending the beverages for the customers. Sales and Marketing handles the promotion and scheduling of the Mobile Cafes, as well as the promotion of the Drive-thrus and the Community Contribution program. General and Administrative manage the facilities, equipment, inventory, payroll, and other basic, operational processes.   The Culture: The culture of Cafe Barista is very elaborative as the Organizational Culture is sets of shared values and norms that guide organizational members interactions with each other and with people outside the organization (Jones, 2006, P213). They are based on the terminal values of the customers as it is said, Terminal values is a desired end state or outcome that people seek to achieve. (Jones 2006, P214). It explains their cultural diversification through three groups- Coffee Know -How, Art of Espresso and Innovation. These three are mostly prior to the Indian culture and shows how Lavazza gets a chain of Espresso Bars and Crà ¨me outlet to their customers to provide them a comfortable place to enjoy a cup of real coffee. For them the art of making coffee is all about the care, attention and skills and brewing the coffee perfectly. They follow a special espresso brewing process where they use 4Ms model in place: La Machine: The Machine La Miscela: The Blend La Macinatura : The Grinding La Manualità   : Your Touch They always try to ensure that their consistency and skills deliver the best to their customers and provide their 4 rich elements of good espresso; the flavour, the aroma, the crema and the texture. They provide training to their employees based on their geographical location, to ensure best service for the customers As it is said, Every cup of coffee they brew is recognized as a best flavour and aroma of every piece of coffee beans. They form the bases according to the cultural changes in the taste of the people and they provide infinite variations according to the taste which will suite the people. They offer five kinds of flavours to people with different services which are: Espresso Italiano: short, dark and handsome in the taste, this is not mix with milky, frothy drink Espresso Macchiato: this stand for the marked with a teaspoon of foamed milk or sometimes as dash of cold milk Cappuccino: the greatest flavour of Italy topped with steamed milk and foamed milk in a thick cup that contains flavour. Cafe Latte: drink originated in USA, which is served in mugs with shorts of espresso and milk. Cafe Mocha: a combination of intense espresso and freshly steamed milk and rich chocolate powder which is often known as Dessert of Cup. These all flavours are made for the people according to the changing environment and the tastes of the people. On the basis of these change, Barista have to come with some new innovation ideas by doing research. Their research was their backbone for their product and RD teams who spend identically 4 hours on each store in a month and observing the guest feedbacks. Their research helps them to identify their key global trends and how well they can refresh their product lines. Barista Cafe is a dimensional brand which always focuses on providing differentiating offers or services to their customers. They use the guest surveys and feedbacks to focus on their innovation of products and the services which will be very affectionate to them. At the Barista Lavazza they invent new food and beverage lines almost every year. These inventions are basically based on the global trends, customers feedback and the regular research they have done. They always try to continue their innovation among t he products that glee their customers. As their main target is their customers who are living in global lifestyles so, they always try to appreciate their innovation in the behalf of their customers with the warm environment. Their focus always is on innovation and continuously providing quality products. This was the reason why they try to make their every cup of drink pretty by using barista art. They use some elaborative designs which express the people feelings and affections. Their method of making coffee was mainly evolved in creating the coffee into an artistic quality which technique is known as Latte Art.  Lattes are the preferred drink to use for this because of its good foam to milk ratio.  This kind of art is consisting of pouring the steam milk into the small short of espresso which will create the design on the surface for the latte art. This art is very difficult to create due to the different demands in both espresso and milk. This way of art can beautifully hold the heart of the people which makes people to drink that coffee. Barista also use a theory which helps the company in RD and innovation. SWOT -Analysis is the most strategic management model which fits between the organization strength and weakness with the different opportunities and threats in their external environment.  As said by  Jones, SWOT- Analysis guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside and outside of your organization and analysis will provide perspective, and reveal connections and areas for action. The main objective of SWOT for Barista is to determine to which level the strategy of the company will be suitable to them to meet their challenges and changes which are occurring in their organizational environment. The SWOT -Analysis of the Barista is divided into the four factors of the companys Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads which are as follow: Strength of the Barista Lavazza: their main strength is their product in the market. They are having very skilled, committed and professional team which provide high margins on beverages appliances which will cost them low setup money. Weaknesses: their weakness is that they reliance to one client initial and they have to spend alot on the stainless steel appliances. The management team of barista doesnt work for that long in India so they dont know that much about the people taste. The sales and marketing team is not place in the market for the promotion of their products and they have very less US and Italy taste experience. Opportunities:  they have opportunity to expand their product in the market by increasing the awareness of their specific coffee products in the market. They also have the opportunity of innovation within the existing market by the help of people feedback. Threads: the biggest thread for the company is the competitors like Starbucks and Cafe Coffee in India. There is also an adverse reaction on the soluble coffee in the stores. Another issue was the filtered coffee was firmly established in USA and they were not aware of the USA experience. Untitled.jpg Diagram: www. So, the SWOT- Analysis helps the organization of the Barista in identifying the issues they are facing, setting up the goals and creating their proper action plans. SWOT is a simple method of assessing the positive and negative factors that are forcing within and outside the organization; they can prepare themselves and act perfectly. This will help in supporting them in their vision, mission and objectives. Conclusion: Barista have been performing well consistently as it is essential for the company to maintain the strength of the brand and capitalize on the loyalty of the brand and the market shares. The overall strength of the Barista is about their service and their behaviour towards their customers, which was the advantage for the company especially in their services. Holding a futuristic vision, Barista as a company constantly tries to innovate itself and further enhance their brand image in order to expand its hold over the market. Barista has very strong image in the market, but they need to work on their structure so they can improve their company performance and their customers perceptions of being high-end quality coffee. Thats was the recommendation for barista is to keep on making changes and innovation. They should promote their product and work on their organizational objectives and aspects especially for coffee and other services they are providing. Another recommendation would be they should adapt innovation -friendly organization which inspire culture and empower their employees. They should use the todays business evolutionary method which helps in rapid economic or social changes by driving knowledge and innovation among the employees. At this level, the sales and marketing departments need to be more centralized and focused on their task. Barista is customer-oriented so, the people who are more close to the customers need to know them better and respond them rapidly with their changing requirements. If the organization is still using the Flat structure, they need to make their decisions quickly and they need to creative for employees and their customers. Lastly, as they have fewer layers of organization, so they need to be mobile and agile to the decisions which they are making this will help them to be more effective, competitive and profitable. As in todays global world, organization is all about how creative and dominant they are in the market. Thats why more companies prefer to have flat structure, as flat structural organization is enables great communication between the layers of the organization with better team spirit. Flat structural organization with benefit the management as lower cost will be paid to the managers than the workers and less bureaucracy will be involved in the organization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Voting Requirements in the Economic Arena :: Political Economic Business Essays

Voting Requirements in the Economic Arena Status as an adult citizen in a political jurisdiction is seen as a sufficient condition to entitle one to a vote for a representative or participate in collective decision-making. Why not apply that same criterion and entitle adult citizens to voting rights to decide the composition of corporate boards of directors and decide other corporate matters? If mere adult status and citizenship is sufficient for decision-making in the political arena, why not in the economic arena as well? The easy answer/question is: why should anyone who has no stake or interest in a corporation have a say in its decision-making? The only people who should have voting rights are stockholders who have ownership rights in the corporation manifested by stock ownership. We generally agree that voting power should be proportional to their stake in the corporation, namely how many shares they own. If votes were not proportionate to one's stake (stock) in the corporation, including none at all, people might easily vote in ways that personally benefit them but harm the best interests of the corporation and other stockholders. For example, imagine if all Detroit citizens were entitled to vote on decisions made by General Motors. Suppose these voters managed to get on the ballot the question whether the corporation should give all of its profits to local charitable organizations or be plowed back into the corporation as retained earnings. It is not at all inconceivable that donating General Motors' profits to local charities might win by a landslide. People who have little or no stake in General Motors can be expected to behave differently than those who do, simply because their decisions are less costly to them - others bear the cost of their decisions. The identical cost/benefit assessment applies to decision-making in the political arena. Suppose a politician campaigned on the promise to increase spending on various social programs that would be funded with higher taxes. People who pay little or no taxes would see themselves as coming out ahead by voting for that politician. They would bear little or none of the costs, at least directly in the form of taxes, and they would benefit from the promised social spending increase. As such they could be counted upon to support such a politician. Survey polls showed a less-than-enthusiastic response to President George Bush's calls for tax cuts. Maybe a good part of the reason is the fact that so many Americans pay little or no income taxes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conclusion and implication Essay

Failure to make use of available hazard-reduction information and measures of known effectiveness constitutes another general policy issue. It is one that assists to stimulate the ongoing UN-sponsored International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (Mitchell, 1988). In many places it would be potential to mitigate losses simply by putting what is known into effect. For instance, the value of warning and evacuation systems has been proven repeatedly; yet such systems are often underused. Likewise, hazard-mitigation schemes offer consistent paths toward reducing the long-term costs of disasters but they are often resisted in favour of instant post-disaster relief, insurance, and compensation programmes. Why do individuals and governments fail to make optimal use of available knowledge? There is no single answer to this question. A large number of factors are involved. Lack of agreement about definition and identification of problem; †¢ Lack of attentiveness of hazards; †¢ Misperception or misjudgement of risks; †¢ Lack of awareness of suitable responses; †¢ Lack of proficiency to make use of responses; †¢ Lack of money or resources to pay for responses; †¢ Lack of harmonization among institutions; †¢ Lack of attention to correlation between â€Å"disasters† and â€Å"development†; †¢ Failure to treat hazards as related problems whose components require simultaneous attention (i. e. reciprocity); †¢ Lack of access by affected populations to decision-making; †¢ Lack of public confidence in scientific knowledge; †¢ Conflicting goals among populations at risk; †¢ Fluctuating salience of hazards (competing priorities); †¢ Public opposition by negatively affected individuals and groups. Underlying all of these explicit reasons is a larger problem. It is this: society fails to take care of natural hazards as complex systems with several components that often require simultaneous attention. We tinker with one or another aspect of these systems when what are required are system-wide strategies. Perhaps even more significant, we fail to address the direct connection between natural hazard systems and economic investment decisions that drive the procedure of â€Å"development† and affect the potential for disasters. That such links subsist has been known for a very long time: If a man owes a debt, and the storm engulfs his field and carries away the produce, or if the grain has not grown in the field, in that year he shall not make any revisit to the creditor, he shall alter his contract and he shall not pay interest for that year. But mainly of the decisions that are taken to build new facilities or redevelop old ones, or to take on new production and distribution processes, or to develop new land, or to effectuate a myriad of other development goals are not currently very receptive to considerations of natural hazards. They must become so. And that is a task that will require a great deal of effort by natural hazard scientists to go beyond the laboratory and the research office or the field study site to obtain an understanding of how best to apply their expertise in public settings. It will also need the users of scientific information about hazards (architects, engineers, planners, banks and mortgage companies, international development agencies, and investment financiers) to foster a mutually interactive correlation with the scientists who are producers of that information. â€Å"Development† is only one of the main public issues that overlap with natural hazards reduction. Others include: environmental management; public health; security (personal, social, and national); and urbanization. All of them are major hitch sets in their own right, each patterned by philosophical and managerial disputes and unsettled issues. Efforts to work out commonly supportive policies and programmes raise entirely new sets of appropriate issues for hazards experts. References: †¢ Dombrowsky, Wolf R. 1995. â€Å"Again and Again: Is a Disaster What We Call ‘Disaster’? Some Conceptual Notes on Conceptualizing the Object of Disaster Sociology. † International Journal of mass Emergencies and Disasters (Nov. ), Vol. 13, No. 3, 241-254. †¢ Crozier, M. and Friedberg, E. (1979) Macht und Organisation, Berlin: Athenaum. (in German). †¢ IDNDR (International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction). 1996. Cities at risk: Making cities safer †¦ before disaster strikes. Supplement to No. 28, Stop Disasters. Geneva: IDNDR. †¢ Maskrey, Andrew. 1989. Disaster mitigation: A community based approach. Development Guidelines No. 3. Oxford: Oxfam. †¢ Mitchell, James K. 1988. â€Å"Confronting natural disasters: An international decade for natural hazard reduction. † Environment 30(2): 25–29. †¢ Mitchell, James K. 1989. â€Å"Hazards research. † In Gary Gaile and Cort Willmott (eds. ), Geography in America. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Company, pp. 410– 424. †¢ Mitchell, James K. 1993b. â€Å"Recent developments in hazards research: A geographer’s perspective. In E. L. Quarantelli and K. Popov (eds.), Proceedings of the United States–Former Soviet Union Seminar on Social Science Research on Mitigation for and Recovery from Disasters and Large Scale Hazards. Moscow, April 19– 26, 1993. Vol. I: The American participation. Newark: University of Delaware, Disaster Research Center, pp. 43–62. †¢ Mitchell, James K. and Neil Ericksen. 1992. â€Å"Effects of climate changes on weather-related disasters. † In Irving Mintzer (ed. ), Confronting climate change: Risks, implications and responses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 141–152. †¢ Mitchell, James K. , Neal Devine, and Kathleen Jagger.1989. â€Å"A contextual model of natural hazard. † Geographical Review 89(4): 391–409. †¢ Myers, Mary Fran and Gilbert F. White. 1993. â€Å"The challenge of the Mississippi flood. † Environment 35(10): 6–9, 25–35. †¢ Parker, D. J. and J. W. Handmer, eds. 1992. Hazard management and emergency planning: Perspectives on Britain. London: James & James. †¢ Showalter, Pamela S. and Mary F. Myers. 1994. â€Å"Natural disasters in the United States as release agents of oil, chemicals or radiological materials between 1980–1989: Analysis and recommendations. † Risk Analysis 14(2): 169–182. †¢ Setchell, C. A. 1995. â€Å"The growing environmental crisis in the world’s megacities: The case of Bangkok. † Third World Planning Review 17(1): 1–18. †¢ Wynne, Brian. 1992. â€Å"Uncertainty and environmental learning: Reconceiving science and policy in the preventive paradigm. † Global Environmental Change 2(2): 111– 127. †¢ Yath, A. Y. 1995. â€Å"On the expulsion of rural inmigrants from Greater Khartoum – The example of the Dinka in Suq el Markazi. † GeoJournal 36(1): 93–101. †¢ Zelinsky, W. and L. Kosinski, L. 1991. Emergency evacuation of cities. London: Unwin Hyman.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Civil engineering design Construction and Maintance Essay

The work of civil engineers is visible across the environment we live in. The main purpose of this essay is to assist students have a better understanding of the civil engineering as a scientific field. In this essay I will make an analysis of civil engineering meaning and the specifics of civil engineering in all aspects. I will specifically examine civil engineering at Michigan State University and the courses required in this major. I will also make an analysis of how writing is important in the civil engineering field. The contribution of civil engineers to the society will also be included. The different career paths a student can pursue when majoring in civil engineering and the salary of civil engineers will be reviewed last. But before going into that, I am going to give you background information of what made me interested in majoring in civil engineering. Background Information, Why I Chose Civil Engineering as my Major? I believe that the best way every student should consider while choosing their major is making a choice of what they love. This is what I exactly did. When I was young, I marveled at how the buildings stood majestically. The thought of buildings designs and the dynamics involved in the construction really fascinated me. While I grew up I realized all this was a civil engineers’ work. Since middle school the idea of studying civil engineering in college stuck in my mind. The more literature I reviewed about civil engineering, the more I loved it. The thought of planning and designing on paper and then seeing the results is very rewarding to me. The History of Civil Engineering Engineering is one of life’s aspects that have existed since the origin of humans. Thousands of years ago, humans hunted and gathered for food. There was no urgency to build shelter as they were always on the move. Later on, people began to get acquainted new ways of getting food. They learned how to plant fruits and vegetables and how to domesticate animals. As a result, they did not need to move all the time and they needed homes. They started by building tents but gradually they learned how to use the available natural resources like stone, wood, and vegetable fiber to build stronger and more convenient homesCITATION Fon01 p 21 l 1033 (Font, Criswell and Grigg 21). They also began to build roads and bridges to make it easy to move from place to place. In modern day, houses, buildings, bridges and other structures construction occurs from the skills passed by our ancestors where they constructed stable buildings (Salvadori 11). Theses skills that are needed to build safe str uctures are the skills of civil engineers. What Does Civil Engineering Mean? The word Engineering by itself means the art of putting the scientific knowledge in practice and using it in practical life. The engineer thus uses his scientific knowledge to design, build, and maintain engines, machines or public works. While the word Civil is relates to ordinary citizens and their concerns. Civil engineering therefore refers to the science that applies scientific knowledge to serve the civic life in the daily functions through infrastructure. The Civil Engineering is the art and science of designing the infrastructure of the modern civil societies, the process of planning and design in addition to the establishment of various facilities and facilities that serve people is a civil engineering generally. These facilities include highways that connect cities to each other, and airports, and sewage treatment that protects our environmentCITATION Kos94 p 21 l 1033 ( Kostival and Mason 21). Civil Engineering Requirement at MSU There are 128 credits that a student needs to complete to receive a degree of Bachelor in Civil engineering at MSU. Students majoring in civil engineering must first complete the university requirement courses. After completing the university requirement there are six courses that a student must complete to apply to the college of engineering. These six core courses are EGR102, EGR100, MTH132, MTH133, CEM141, and PHY183. Completing these courses is not the only requirement to make application to the college of engineering; a student must also obtain a minimum required GPA of 3.2 and above. After that comes the major requirement, and there are 66 credits that will be obtained from these courses. After completing all of the major requirements, a student must complete 18 credits of the major tracks. There are seven tracks of civil engineering at MSU which are as follows; environmental track, geotechnical track, pavements track, structures track, transportation track, water resources track, and general track. For each track there are different required courses. Students must earn 18 credits from these tracks, 9 credits must be obtained from one track and the additional 9 credits must include courses from three different tracks (â€Å"Undergraduate degree – Civil Engineering†). The Importance of Writing in Civil Engineering I believe that writing is the basis for every course, and it’s important throughout college life. It helps in communicating our best knowledge in the respective fields we choose. Writing is quite a challenging task especially for international student; this is reason why it is important to enroll in prewriting classes as it improves writing skills. In the pursuit of our majors writing of research papers and case studies is mandatory. In addition to this, some exams sat in college entail questions that we must answer by writing short paragraphs. Writing classes is thus build the foundation of writing strategies that will help in the course of our majors. Why Civil Engineering is Important in our Lives? Civil engineering is an important part of our life, and the work of civil engineers is present in almost all aspects of our life. The electricity that we use everyday is provided by the constructions of the dams and power stations that require civil engineers. The clean water that we drink everyday is provided by the water and sewage treatment plants, which again require civil engineers. The roads that we drive everyday are also civil engineers’ work (â€Å"What is Civil Engineering†). The buildings that we live or work in are civil engineers’ work. Civil engineering helps improve the lives of millions of people everyday. Moreover, civil engineering gives shape and recognition to each society. For example, Many people when they hear of India, the picture that pops up in their heads is the picture of Taj Mahal, when they hear of Paris, they imagine the Eiffel Tower, and when they hear of London, they immediately think of Big Ben. The same happens when they hear of any other country or city; people tend to imagine the picture of the best-known landmarks or attractions in there. All these landmarks were built and designed by the help of civil engineers The importance of specialization of civil engineering can be realized through its definition. It’s a one the engineering disciplines that humans cannot live without it. The human need for homes to live in and be safe and protected from the summer heat and the winter cold. Humans need safety and the means of transportation to move between cities without noticing the long distance. Dams are a one of the examples that show us the importance of civil engineering of human beings. The importance of water resources and quality of human beings is the factor shows us how important is civil engineering for the community. Whenever the number of people in the community increases and there was a problem of limited spaces, this problem will not be solved without the presence of civil engineers. The civil engineer is the person who designs the foundations of safe buildings, builds the safe and economical towers; he is the one who ensures the presence of clean water and high quality of cities . The Different Career Paths of Civil Engineering There are a number of sub-disciplines of civil engineering. As I mentioned above there are six sub-disciplines of civil engineering at Michigan State University. There are many different branches from Engineering major. First, Environmental engineering, which interests on dealing with every aspect on the environment.   For example, environmental engineers work on constructing the water supplies that would protect the environment from water pollution and the consequences related to that such as where the waste of water would go as well as the solid waste and so on. Another branch is Geotechnical engineering. This deals with building the roads, tunnels, dams, and slopes using the rocks and the soil as the raw materials. Also, there is Structural Engineering, which is more in structuring buildings and bridges using other materials such as concrete and steel as the raw materials. Pavement Engineering is another one that is for the design and analysis of the asphalt and concrete pavemen ts. Also, Transportation Engineering, and this deals with the transit systems, designing highways, and constructing airports (â€Å"The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree†). When a student enters the workplace as civil engineer, he must go on to become certified as a professional Engineer (PE). â€Å"A civil engineer without this certification is limited in their authority. The PE license allows them the authority to sign off on all projects within their professional specialty† (â€Å"Becoming a Civil Engineer†). Salary of civil engineers The starting salary of civil engineering is relatively less than the other engineering disciplines such as computer engineering, mechanical engineering, and so on. However, the chances of getting a job is higher because civil engineers are always in demand as civil engineer’s job is important for the function of a society. Even with bad economy the society does not stop functioning, for example having bad economy does not mean that you drink poisoned water. Another reason that makes civil engineers always in demand is that the job of civil engineers cannot be outsourced, for example, you can’t build a bridge in china and ship it to the U.S. In comparison, other engineering disciplines’ job can be outsourced, for example, you can build a car or a computer in china and ship it to the U.S. (Buch). Conclusion Civil engineering is a worthwhile major and it places the individual on a career path that is definitely worth pursuing. It’s a major that give satisfaction to a person because he knows that he is helping the society and the people. Our modern life nowadays depends upon civil engineering. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Kostival, L M and John Michael Mason. Civil Engineering Careers: A User’s Guide for Awareness, Retention, and Curriculum Programs, Issue 347, Part 2. Transportation Research Board, 1994. Font, Darrell G, Marvin E Criswell and Neil S Grigg. Civil Engineering Practice in the Twenty-First Century: Knowledge and Skills for Design and Management. ASCE Publications, 2001. â€Å"Becoming a Civil Engineer.† Civil Engineering Careers. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . Buch, Neeraj. â€Å"Civil Engineering.† Personal interview. 3 Nov. 2014. â€Å"Civil Engineering.† Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"History of Engineering.† Civil Engineering. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . Salvadori, Mario. The Art of Construction Projects and Principles for Beginning Engineers & Architects. Chicago: Chicago Review, 2000. Print. â€Å"The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree.† Michigan State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"Undergraduate Degree – Civil Engineering.† Michigan State University, Office of the Registrar. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"What is Civil Engineering.† Civil Engineering. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. . â€Å" Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault Michel Foucault was a famous and influential French philosopher. He was the leading individual who changed the idea of human body being a biological or physiological figure to a concept of sociology. He managed to change people’s mentality in the sense that the society normal or ordinary state of thinking and people’s perceptions changed significantly.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Michel Foucault specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Foucault was also thought of as the greatest and most intellectual scholar and philosopher who lived until the time of his death in 1984(Fenves 369). He came up with very important theories that are still used today and have changed the outlook of society in many ways (Adomo 470). For example, he observed that criminal justice system was not working or performing well as per the expectations of society. As a result, he came up with the Panopticon principle that trans formed the way jails and discipline for offenders was being perceived by society. Interestingly, this principle has remained firm in place bearing in mind that the entire face of criminal justice system was gradually reshaped with the adoption of this principle. Foucault focused more on human sexuality as well as the concept of power and human discipline. He was also very much involved in the gay community in San Francisco. Michel Foucault was born in Poitiers, France on October 15, 1926. His father and grandfather were physicians and although he was a brilliant student, he resisted his family and native country and traveled overseas when he fully came of age. When he was 20 years old, he was accepted into the EcoleNormaleSuperieure (ENS) in Paris (Adomo 470). He was a student of philosophy and psychology. For a while he was a follower of communism, but later in life he changed his views. He graduated from ENS in 1952, and started his career immediately. His career was known to be b oth intellectual and professional. He performed his roles with consistency and purpose. Foucault started his career as a teacher at University of Lille in France. From 1955 to 1960, he served as a cultural attachà © in Uppsala, Sweden; Warsaw, Poland; and Hamburg, Germany. Later on in 1960 to 1966, he served as a professor at the University of Clermont-Ferrand in France, (Bouchard 117). While he was there, he wrote his early monograms, which received attention, but only from a small audience. In 1966 however, things turned around for him when he published Les Motset les chosestranslated in English to The Order of Things. After the publication of the latter, he attracted a much larger audience. As a result, he was considered an original and controversial thinker of his time. At this point, Foucault decided to become a professor at the University of Tunis in Tunisia from 1966 to 1968(James 340). He then went on to become the director of the philosophy department at the University of Paris, Vincennes for two years.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In 1970, he was given a seat in the history of systems of thought at the College de France (Adomo 470). It is imperative to note that this is one of France’s most prestigious institutions. This opened up the door to Foucault for conducting intensive research which lead to writings of his later works. Over the next thirteen years, he wrote quite a number of works, including his volumes on sexuality and Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison,as well as various essays. He continued to travel throughout the rest of his life and managed to extend his reputation to places like Italy, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the United States, where he spent relatively long periods of time. He also became a visiting lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley for several years, before his death in 1984. It was alleged that he died of HIV/AIDS which was then an emerging infection (Fenves 377). The fourth volume of his history on sexuality was never completed. Foucault focused most of his research on finding out how to create some methodology on discipline that would be effective in society for purposes of controlling and regulating behavior that needs disciplining the body. He used the term disciplinary practices to describe institutions such as schools, churches as well as prisons which, to a large extent, assist in controlling and regulating any given society (Adomo 470). These institutions are strategically placed in society to teach people how they are supposed to act or think, or when someone goes against societal rules, these rules and regulations are supposed keep them out of society by being locked behind bars. They are changing constantly to come up with new ways to make sure they can keep control and regulate how people act in society. One of the easiest and most common ways to do this is by using surveillance (Bouchard 113). The constant monitoring of bodies and disciplining if necessary by these social institutions make people stay in line and behave how they are supposed to for fear of being disciplined. When people know or feel like they are being monitored, they act differently than they would if they were in their home or somewhere where there is no threat of punishment (Bertaux 366). This has lead to what Foucault refers to as docile bodies which are produced through improvement of individuals’ behaviors through discipline, use, subjugate, discipline by various procedures and techniques of discipline (Adomo 470). A good example of this would be the way teachers and parents expect children to sit quietly and do their work or pay attention for long periods of time. We are always telling children to be quiet and listen or to keep their hands to themselves. Eventually, they learn that they are supposed to be quiet when a teacher o r fellow student is speaking, and that hitting is not appropriate (Adomo 470). I work at a children’s fitness center, and although the main focus of our classes are to help these children work on fitness, we also stress the ability to stay in line and wait for their turn, or listen when the teacher is explaining the game they are going to play.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Michel Foucault specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I have noticed that many children come into the program without ever having been in a structured setting before, and they have a hard time listening and doing what the rest of the class is doing, but after a few weeks, they sit nicely on their line and listen when they are supposed to (Bouchard 123). This proves that institutions really do use techniques to control and improve the way people act, and to show children the appropriate social norms they will need for the rest of thei r lives. One of Foucault’s most influential theories is the Panopticon principle. This theory is focused around the way prisons are run and how they keep control of inmates. The Panopticon is a large area with a tower in the center with rows of buildings surrounding it (Adomo 470). With this set up, each inmate can be monitored constantly, so they are under surveillance twenty-four hours a day. The inmate knows that he might be under watch, but he never knows if at any given moment he is being supervised, because they cannot see inside the supervisor’s room. Knowing that they could possibly be under watch makes them maintain some form of control and act appropriately largely due to the fact that they fear going through a disciplinary action g should they get caught breaking some of the clearly set rules and regualtions (Bertaux 360). Another example of this would be the way someone acts in a super market if they know that there are cameras in the store. Many store owne rs put cameras up that do not really work, but the sight of them makes shoppers believe that they are being taped. As a result, they are less likely to shoplift because they fear they will get caught (Adomo 470). A good real life example would also be the installation of cameras on school buses. When I was young, my fellow school mates would sometimes run out of control while riding in school bus and as such, they could not listen to the bus driver. She got a camera installed in the front of the bus, and told us that the principal could see the feed. These made all the children in the bus to sit nicely and quietly in their seats. From that time onwards, the problem never persisted. The children were afraid since they developed some fear that someone in authority was keenly watching them, and therefore, they acted appropriately. An explanation of his ideas in panoptical principles In a bid to fully understand and embrace modern forms of regulation in social field, many scholars have adopted the conceptual examples and principles of Michael Foucault’s panopticon theory. His ideas in the theory have compelled readers and analysts to contemplate that there is a possibility that panoptical theory has an explanatory frame that is useful, especially on contemporary practices of surveillance (Faubion 165).Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the panopticon theory, Foucault focuses on vital factors that include disciplinary actions via systems of social control and the concept of power-knowledge. In his ideas, he strongly believed that through observing others, individuals were able to gain control, power and become knowledgeable (Adomo 470). Through it, all events that are taking place would be recorded, and every form of movement supervised. His theory has been lauded as a one that brought transition and transformation in disciplinary power seen from threats of discipline that creates a normalization of sorts (Hitchcock 124). Furthermore, from his ideas on panoptic discipline, an understanding that internalization of fear that an individual is being watched and the need to conform is created, and this achieves a positive response in behavior change that would not fully be achieved by total surveillance (Bertaux 354). The question that begs is how this works. By building on Foucault’s principle, power comes fr om observation. The behavior and actions of an observer are based upon what he sees exhibited on a monitor (Bouchard 113). This knowledge combined with observation ensures that individuals are fabricated in social order. However, some analysts argue that this is one way that Foucault’s principle in limiting the freedom of others and oppressing them. They further argue that this oppression comes from the threats and fact that a few individuals or groups manipulate others through control knowledge. While defending his principle, Foucault does not see the danger and oppression analysts are seeing (Adomo 470). Conversely, Foucault argues that through control knowledge, the repressions in social order created by individuals are minimized or reduced as panopticon fabricates individuals into social order. On the issue of power, who does not have it and who has it, Foucault’s idea was not to create a situation where others dominate or rule subjects, but he intended to create a system that will ensure that leaders or those who wish to create order find a ;suitable way of solving conflicts and resistance. Additionally, in his wisdom, Foucault did not give physical weapons that individuals could use to create order. Instead, his idea provided a powerful instrument of analysis. His idea has been adopted by many in urban public spaces, schools and offices where individual are induced to transform and conform to social order through surveillance. This has aided inn reducing pervasiveness and resistance to change in the society. His ideas have not received full support especially from a cross section of opposers of Foucault’s principles who think this is a violation of individuals’ right by use of intrusive electronics to control and modify behavior. The issue of freedom and security has plagued Foucault’s theories since his ideas are being seen as ways of incarcerating individuals who are in workplaces, public places and those going about their businesses (Faubion 158). It is imperative to underscore the fact that Foucault’s ideas make sense. This can be supported by the fact that unlike the former society that preceded contemporary one, resistance to change and conformity has tremendously increased( Fenves 369). The structure of the contemporary society has grown worse and become different since it lacks power to transform, instead, as Foucault puts it, relies on enlightenment reforms that bear inherent dangers inasmuch as they are made for and intended to correct barbarity (Bouchard 114). The latter, is intended to be corrected via enlightenment reforms that seeks to create order in the society via constructing learning institutions, modernizing medicine and elimination of dungeons (Adomo 470). In his ideas, Foucault claims that even with reforms, the issue of power and surveillance will be included since changes cause disturbance and the latter calls for order exercised through control and power. Moreover, the idea fronted by Foucault is based on carceral culture rather that the normal culture of spectacle. In it, he argues that formerly, and this is true in some societies today, the forms of discipline included obliteration, dismemberment and body torture. Other forms of discipline, especially in the aforementioned obliteration, rehabilitation occurs as well as internalization through a constitution. In his idea, creating reforms requires adoption of panopticon theory (Bertaux 354). For instance, in a prison set up, ensuring that there is order in the cells, creation of a surveillance tower would effectively control and monitor every movement. Creating on at the centre of a prison facility makes prisoners to feel that an individual is watching them inasmuch as they can not determine whether a person is in the tower (Bouchard 119). Adopting the prison example, Foucault claims that this can be used in both capitalist and democratic societies to maintain order. He believes that to creat e order, the populace must at all times know that someone somewhere is watching them. The advantage of this would be that the populace will police themselves through internalizing their own panoptic surveillance towers (Adomo 470) . The knowledge of being watched and the power of constraint aid individuals in taking responsibility in their actions. As such they play both the roles of subjection to internalized surveillance and power over their behavior. Today, governments and federal agencies have adopted the idea of Foucault and modernized it through modern technology whereby they track the behavior .and movements of the populace with systems of control such as surveillance cameras in public places, credit cards, ATM’s, the census, social security numbers, cell phones, telephones and the internet. The use of Panopticon is a carceral culture and idea that has been diffused to affect urban planning through discouraging concealment and monitoring movements. Additionally, it is used in learning institutions, factory architecture and hospitals. The idea of ponopticon schema and its application is polyvalent. Foucalt argued that it has been used to induce idlers and beggars to work, supervise workers, confine the insane, instruct school children, and treat patients and reform prisons (Bouchard 113). Through it, intervention and instruments of power are defined, power is channeled and disposed to its powers, and hierarchical organizations as well as distribution of individual are tracked and located. His idea was to have a society in which its functions are generalized. This is evident today in the manner in which the contemporary society has become a part of the panoptic mechanism. As a matter of fact, Foucault’s idea has been used today to internalize regulations and rules to bring conformity. Societies such as the American society that is fond of committing violence to innocent subjects just for the sake of following authorities (Adomo 470). Interna lizing rules aids in contesting unjust rules through naturalizing them. Additionally, rather than the crude, old-fashioned, unusual and cruel punishment that many societies in the nineteenth century and even today apply to rehabilitate law breakers, the use of ponopticon would be a normal way of creating reforms. Early reform methods have been considered to be inhumane to the insane and prisoners. For instance, Foucault argues that the use of torture affects the private aspects of individuals’ lives. The idea of using ponopticon in effect acts as a judge everywhere such that social workers, educators, teachers and every other individual will feel that someone is watching them and ready to judge them for their actions(Faubion 148). Other important aspects of the theory are that through the ponopticon, specialization of workforce in an organization increases, efficiency is built and value placed in organizing individuals and data to effect dissemination of information and goods as wel as to effect mass production despite injustices or exploitations. An analysis of his theories To understand social regulation and its modern forms, it is imperative to adopt the conceptual exemplar of the panopticon metaphor created by Michel Foucault. In the field of surveillance and in a post-panoptic world, the use of panopticon has drawn critical reactions and questions on its relevance. During the practice of contemporary surveillance, determining the usefulness of panopticon requires analyzing its course using an explanatory frame (Fenves 369). Readers and analysts of Foucault’s ideas and who seek to determine the possibility of a panopticon to work effectively in light of complex situations have been compelled to contemplate on how they can go beyond the conceptual boundaries of this multifaceted and rich concept to the implications of its manifold functions (Adomo 470). Critiques have blamed the idea of surveillance technology to interference with individualsà ¢â‚¬â„¢ freedoms and security. Monitoring and tracking individual who are not incarcerated doing their normal daily activities through surveillance cameras claiming to modify or control their behavior is a violation of their rights. They further argue that the intrusive electronic society formed by the panoptic mechanism is in itself pervasive and hence cannot manage the information that it is collecting and tracking. In analyzing his theories, it is important to find answers to a number of issues that includes the possibility of mobilizing a counter- power to manage the power systems in the society, create a power that resists existing powers or surrender and allow individuals to be controlled and be manipulated by forces endeavoring to manage people from afar(Bertaux 354). Some of the core themes that are instructive and solid found in the study of surveillance includes visibility, subjectivity, resistance, normativity and power. His idea has been adopted by many in urban public s paces, schools and offices where individual are induced to transform and conform to social order through surveillance. This has aided inn reducing pervasiveness and resistance to change in the society (Adomo 470). His ideas have not received full support especially from a cross section of opposers of Foucault’s principles who think this is a violation of individuals’ right by use of intrusive electronics to control and modify behavior. The issue of freedom and security has plagued Foucault’s theories since his ideas are being seen as ways of incarcerating individuals who are in workplaces, public places and those going about their businesses. It is imperative to note that Foucault’s theories such as that of governmentality and panopticon have raised controversies among analysts. This has been observed in the manner at which individuals have felt that like in the former society that preceded this contemporary one, resistance to change and conformity has tr emendously increased (Faubion 149). As already mentioned, the structure of the contemporary society has grown worse and become different since it lacks power to transform, instead, as Foucault puts it, relies on enlightenment reforms that bear inherent dangers inasmuch as they are made for and intended to correct barbarity (Adomo 470). The latter, is intended to be corrected via enlightenment reforms that seeks to create order in the society via constructing learning institutions, modernizing medicine and elimination of dungeons. In his ideas, Foucault claims that even with reforms, the issue of power and surveillance will be included since changes cause disturbance and the latter calls for order exercised through control and power (Fenves 369). These themes and their key problematics are nuanced by Foucauldian interpretations or by alternative theoretical frameworks. On the other hand, since most studies have focused on the negative aspects of surveillance, it is imperative to crit ically focus on the epistemological way forward. Looking at it in a determistic and dystopian way, sociologists argue that surveillance offers moral governance through monitoring programs. The ideas of Michel Foucault have over the years led to significant developments of the surveillance systems (Faubion 357). However, research studies have indicated the various limitations in the foundational concepts of panopticon claiming that the explanations that Foucault has given in his ideas on surveillance are insufficient. This is observed in how it functions. By building on Foucault’s principle, power comes from observation. The behavior and actions of an observer are based upon what he sees exhibited on a monitor. This knowledge combined with observation ensures that individuals are fabricated in social order (Bertaux 354). However, some analysts argue that this is one way that Foucault’s principle in limiting the freedom of others and oppressing them. They further argue t hat the oppression comes from the threats and the fact that a few individuals or groups manipulate others through control knowledge. While defending his principle, Foucault does not see the danger and oppression analysts are seeing. Conversely, Foucault argues that through control knowledge, the repressions in social order created by individuals are minimized or reduced as panopticon fabricates individuals into social order (Adomo 470). On the issue of power, who does not have it and who has it, Foucault’s idea was not to create a situation where others dominate or rule subjects, but he intended to create a system that will ensure that leaders or those who wish to create order find a ;suitable way of solving conflicts and resistance. Additionally, in his wisdom, Foucault did not give physical weapons that individuals could use to create order. Instead, his idea provided a powerful instrument of analysis. The ideas of Michel Foucault have over the years led to significant deve lopments of the surveillance systems. However, research studies have indicated the various limitations in the foundational concepts of panopticon claiming that the explanations that Foucault has given in his ideas on surveillance are insufficient (Fenves 369). Analysts observe that the argument on Foucault’s principle that power comes from observation betrays the suitability of panopticon the best in contemporary surveillance dynamics. Inasmuch as the behavior and actions of an observer are based upon what he sees exhibited on a monitor, it alters the metaphor of panopticon with complex perspectives beyond panopticon such as seen in foucault’s governmentality theory such as models of assemblage, social sorting and concepts of hyper-control. This knowledge combined with observation critics depicts his ideas induces and fabricates individuals into social order (Bertaux 354). Additionally, some analysts argue that this is one way that Foucault’s principle in limiti ng the freedom of others and oppressing them. They further argue that the oppression comes from the threats and the fact that a few individuals or groups manipulate others through control knowledge. Moreover, other analysts are of the opinion that through control knowledge, the repressions in social order created by individuals are minimized or reduced as panopticon fabricates individuals into social order (Faubion 148). On the issue of power, who does not have it and who has it, Foucault’s idea was not to create a situation where others dominate or rule subjects, but he intended to create a system that will ensure that leaders or those who wish to create order find a ;suitable way of solving conflicts and resistance. Additionally, in his wisdom, Foucault did not give physical weapons that individuals could use to create order. Instead, his idea provided a powerful instrument of analysis. The growth of panoptic surveillance has been regarded as a form of oppression that is sp read by Foucault’s theory of governmentality. The knowledge of being watched and the power of constraint threaten the security of a populace. As such they play both the roles of subjection to internalized surveillance and power over their behavior (Bertaux 353). Today, governments and federal agencies have adopted the idea of Foucault and modernized it through modern technology whereby they track the behavior .and movements of the populace with systems of control such as surveillance cameras in public places, credit cards, ATM’s, the census, social security numbers, cell phones, telephones and the internet (Adomo 470). The use of Panopticon is a carceral culture and idea that has been diffused to affect urban planning through discouraging concealment and monitoring movements. Additionally, it is used in learning institutions, factory architecture and hospitals. Adomo, Theodor.  Parataxis: Zur spaten Lyrik Holderlins.Noten zur Literatur. 1(2005) :447-494. Bertaux, Pi erre. Was Holderlin mentally Ill? Philosophy Today 37.4 (2007): 353-368. Bouchard, Donald. 2009. Language Counter-MemoryPractice:  Selected Essays  and Interviews, translated by Donald Bouchard Sherry Simon. Philosophy Today (2007): 113-138.   Faubion, James. Aesthetics: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Social Indicators Research. 2, (2000): 147-170.   Fenves, Peter. Measure for Measure: Holderlin and the Place of Philosophy. Philosophy Today 37(4/4), (1993): 369-382. Hitchcock, Louise. Theory for Classics. New York: Routledge, 2008.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Evaluation of Daystar Childcare

Evaluation of Daystar Childcare Free Online Research Papers I have been involved with Daystar Childcare since I was six years old. As a matter of fact, some of the daycare’s original toys were stolen from my personal collection. My mother has served as co-director for the entire 10 years in which the daycare has been open. My brother also worked there for a short period of time after he graduated high school. When I was younger, I attended the daycare periodically when my mother was working. Even today, I still go there to hang out with friends that currently work there, and to play with some of the kids that I have grown to like. I have decided to evaluate Daystar Childcare on three different criteria; safety, customer service, and value. When I say safety, I mean exactly what it sounds like; I want to know what Daystar Childcare is doing to keep their children safe. I also want to know the concerns that parents have, if they have any at all with leaving their children at Daystar. What I want to know about customer service is what Daystar is doing to keep their parents and children happy. Finally, I want to learn about the value of Daystar Childcare, what I mean by value is the cost and profit that Daystar brings in. How often are they in the red? To get this information I sent out 11 surveys to be filled out randomly by clients of Daystar. I also conducted and interview with one of Daystar Childcare’s two directors. Hopefully by writing this evaluation I will have a better understanding of running a business, and hopefully Daystar Childcare will receive some constructive criticism. Daystar Childcare Daystar Childcare provides childcare for families mostly on the eastside of Indianapolis. Some of their children actually live right across the parking lot at a women’s center called the Care Center. They also have a kindergarten located on the same floor as the daycare. Some of Daystar’s kindergarten students attend the AM kindergarten and are then just placed straight into the daycare until the afternoon when their parents can come pick them up. Daystar Childcare is located at 57 N. Rural Street on the near-eastside of Indianapolis, just north of the cross at N. Rural Street and E. Washington Street. Their phone number is 317- 261- 0831. The daycare is open Monday thru Friday; its hours are from 6 AM to 6 PM. They are owned by and also share a building with Englewood Christian Church. They are in a relatively poor neighborhood, but are kept safe by the police station across the parking lot. At all times, there are at least two police at the station who are easily accessible in case of an emergency. A good number of the houses of the neighborhood are owned by Englewood, so they acquire a lot of business from their members. Safety In terms of safety, I am looking at the daycare’s ability to keep its children safe from abductors, and anything that may put the children in danger. I also want to know if the facility is a safe environment. In most aspects, Daystar Childcare is a very safe place to send children during the workday. Daystar is run mostly by women who attend Englewood Christian Church regularly; the advantage of this is that they know who should and shouldn’t be going in and out of the building. â€Å"The children are watched carefully by their teachers. Anyone that we do not recognize is asked to show ID. If there any problems, the police are called,† said Laura Dyke, co-director (personal interview, February 13, 2007). Even though these precautions are taken, some parents still have concerns about how safe their children are when the teacher is not looking. One client stated in her survey, â€Å"At times you find kids wondering to the bathroom by themselves, without staff supervision.† I had also wondered what they were to do in case of a fire or a tornado; I quickly learned that in every room there are directions on where to go and what to do in case of these situations. At the end of the day, I would consider the safety at Daystar a definite strength. Out of eleven surveys, all of them said they were either â€Å"comfortable† or â€Å"very comfortable† with the neighborhood Daystar was located in, and all of the surveys said that they were â€Å"very comfortable† with leaving their children with the staff at Daystar Childcare. With near constant supervision and a very safe environment, the likelihood of something happening to one of the children is extremely small. Customer Service When investigating customer service, I was looking for the amount of thought that Daystar puts into their client’s desires. I wanted to know what they do to make their facilities more inviting to young children, and what they do to make their services more appealing to parents. Daystar childcare is a relatively small facility, but they make the most out of the space that they do have. Every room always has more than enough toys for the amount of kids that are present each day. Eight out of eleven surveys said that the daycare had â€Å"plenty† of toys for their children to play with while they are there. Daystar is also very helpful with their hours; if there is an emergency, it can be arranged to have one of the staff take the child home with them. Thorough contact information is collected for such a situation. Their basic schedule covers the typical working day, with a little extra time just in case. When asked, on a scale of one to ten, one being not at all, and ten being extremely, how polite is the daycare staff, all eleven answered with an eight or above, six of them with perfect tens. One thing Daystar does need to work on is acquiring feedback from their existing clients. Even though â€Å"there is know way of knowing if all parents are comp letely satisfied,† (L. Dyke, personal interview, February 13, 2007) monthly surveys would be a great way to keep in touch with what clients think they should be getting in terms of customer service. From my own experience, the daycare staff is filled with some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. I spend hours out of my day at the daycare deep in entertaining conversation with the diverse personalities that work for Daystar. I definitely consider the customer service at Daystar a selling point for future clients. Value In value, I wanted to know if Daystar provides a good quality service for a price that is affordable by the people that reside in the neighborhood in which it exists. Daystar provides childcare at a cost that is affordable for the working class family. If a family can not afford childcare they accept vouchers from the State of Indiana. It is a program called C.C.D.F. They also have arrangements with Indianapolis Public Schools. Parents that do not receive assistance may qualify for a multiple children discount (L. Dyke, personal interview, February 13, 2007). All of the eleven surveys (with the exception of one no response) said that Daystar Childcare was cost efficient considering the amount of income they take in. They try to stay as affordable as possible by looking at the market rate and trying their best to remain on the low end. Ten out of the eleven surveys said that the quality of the service they receive is worth what they pay. In ten years, Daystar’s profit margin has ranged all over the board, and only twice have they ended the year in the red (L. Dyke, personal interview, February 13, 2007). I believe Daystar Childcare is of great value to the community in which it is located. They do all they can to keep their service at top quality and at top affordability, while still trying to maintain a profit. Conclusion I think that Daystar Childcare is a business that cares a great deal for its clients, as well as its client’s children. They take all the necessary precautions to keep their children safe, and do everything they can to keep them happy as well. Their service is affordable and well worth the money that is paid. They do however have some areas in which they need to improve. Such as, safer access to bathrooms would improve the safety of the children and also create a sense of security in the minds of parents. Also, it would greatly improve the quality of the business’s service if they had surveys that monitor the satisfaction of the client so that they may improve in areas unrecognizable to staff. In the end, Daystar Childcare does a great job in their chosen field. They connect with the children in a way that some parents couldn’t. If or when I become a parent I will definitely utilize Daystar Childcare as my main childcare provider. Research Papers on Evaluation of Daystar ChildcarePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseStandardized TestingUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanThe Fifth HorsemanInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTrailblazing by Eric Anderson

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Academic integrity

Professional writing involves using clear language to explain themselves to an audience. 2. ) Integrity is important in writing because you should be honest to yourself and other people whom you are writing to. I believe that being in an online class helps you understand what integrity is and helps you be honest to people while you are opening up to them. For example in our discussion questions I feel like being honest is very important because it will keep my conversation going without any lies, it would be very e to be caught lying to someone while we are having a conversation.That is why it is important to have integrity. 3. ) The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is by using your own words. Once someone understands what plagiarism is and the consequences for doing it they will understand it much better. Quotations must be used when the paragraph is about 40 words or 3 sentences long. Like I said in my first sentence using your own words is the best way to avoid plagiarism is to use paraphrase. Paraphrasing means you should put the ideas in a passage into your own words, usually following the order in which the ideas were presented in the original paper.

Friday, October 18, 2019

International management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International management - Essay Example Equally, in polychronic societies, individuals tend to tackle numerous tasks simultaneously and to highlight the amount of finished activities and the number of individuals implicated, rather than the devotion to time programme. Being on time is of little significance in polychronic systems than in Monochronic systems3. High-context cultures refer to connected, Marxist, instinctive, and thoughtful systems.   This implies that individuals in these backgrounds highlight interpersonal relations4.   Creating trust is a significant initial stage to any company contract.   Examples include Middle East, Asian states, Africa5.   Low-context cultures are describes as rational, linear, personal, and action-based.   Populace from low-context systems treasure sense, truth, and openness6. Choices depend on truth rather than insight.   To be completely apparent, they struggle to employ accurate statements and aim them to be understood literally.  This is extremely diverse from speakers in high-context systems that rely less on speech exactness and lawful documents. Examples include USA and Western Europe. Attribution refers to the procedure by which grounds or motives are given to describe other individuals’ character7. Dispositional attributions propose that some individuality trait or logical quality exceptional to the individual is responsible for the personality. Situational attributions propose that the outside condition or culture in which the marked individual exists was liable for the personality8. Consistency signals mirror how constantly an individual engages in various manners over time. We tend to see habit that an individual does frequently as suggestive of his or her factual purpose Consensus cues mirror how an individual’s behaviour contrasts to that of others9. Universally, activities which diverge from social anticipations give us with more facts concerning the actors intentions than conforming manners do. In exchanging

International Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

International Business Management - Essay Example Other factors that influence decision making in international business include; differences in legal systems, the existence of trade barriers between nation states and the differences in the distribution of human and natural resources between different countries. Apart from the above factors that limit the free operations and policy making decisions of international business manager, the principles of management remain fairly the same. Factors affecting international business can be classified as cultural, political and economic. Political events are of great concern because they influence; the cost of doing business, the social and economic stability of countries and accessibility to human and non-human resources. Politics also have a safety and security implications and transfer of payments (Whiting 2010). The British monitor manufacturing company under the management of Tony considered factors such as cost but failed majorly in considering the economic stability of Latin America which hugely cost them after the inflation in Latin America. International business may be limited by national economies which are relatively self contained entities isolated from each other by barriers to cross border trade and investment. Other limitations include distance, time zones, differences in national government trade regulations and cultural differences. However, the world is moving towards diminishing trade and investment barriers. This is due to advances in transportation and telecommunication technology. Tony’s company had no challenges in transportation of their goods which enabled easy exports to farther countries. The British company outsourced cheap monitors from Asia which indirectly exploited the cheap labor in Asia. This globalization led to loss of jobs and incomes in Britain evident in the British monitor manufacturing company which reduced its employees in the manufacturing sector. Unstable

The socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of mass tourism Essay

The socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of mass tourism on Tokyo - Essay Example This paper presents fact-based analysis of the full gamut of the impact, mass tourism has on the functioning of Tokyo. Among the negative impacts of mass tourism in Tokyo are income inequality, class conflicts, social stress, cultural deterioration, deprivation of local people of access, ethical issues among others. Reformed tourism policies that promote appropriate resource allocation, investor and worker visitors, and conscious travel, should be adopted. There have emerged two opposing sides to the debate on whether mass tourism is good or bad. In particular, mass tourism is shrouded in quite a lot of controversies and debates with one side opposing and the other supporting mass tourism. The question many ask is whether mass tourism creates and increases exploitation or prosperity in the destination areas. By extension, questions are also raised about the possibility of responsible mass tourism and its effects on the culture, economy and environment of the destination areas. Those of the other side of the debate do not regard mass tourism as an exploitative activity; instead, eco-tourism holidays and package tours are viewed as forms of mass tourism that actually benefit local communities in destination areas. Mass tourism could really be great to local people and cultures, environment and economy if only the tourists respect the destinations local people and culture . In addition, host country and people must enjoy the opportunities of showing their unique economic, social and cultural practices and beliefs to their visitors (Totman, 2005). In addition, mass tourism should also expose the destination areas to the cultures of the visiting people. Tokyo, the capital city of Japan is one of the main tourism destinations in Asia, if not the entire world (Cullen, 2003). Hence, mass tourism affects life in Tokyo in one way or the other. The economic value of tourism in Tokyo soars well above 10 million Yen. Consisting of both local and foreign tourists, the main tourist attraction centres in Tokyo include but are not limited to entertainment districts, ubiquitous Japanese pop culture, stores and downtowns (Malm, 2000). The cultural districts of Shibuya and Harajuku come to mind when tourism in Tokyo is mentioned. In addition, museums such as the Tokyo National Museum, which is widely known for housing Japan’s artwork national treasures is a renowned tourist attraction, centre in Tokyo (Waley, 2007). Other attractions in Tokyo include Tsukiji Fish Market, the Senso-ji Temple, the Imperial Palace and the Meiji Shrine. That Tokyo is easily accessible via the Narita Airport and the Tokyo International Airport also makes it a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Style Change in the Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Style Change in the Management - Case Study Example The case study of the Gate Gourmet affair had become the subject matter of study for several management experts and consultant groups to have a re-look into the different traditional processes of the whole management philosophy and arrive at new angles and ideas about the management of the corporate bodies. The changes in the style of management adopted by the company had evolved a detailed study of the management in all its perspectives and this paper attempts to bring about the important aspects of the study of the art and science of management with its old and new approaches after the Gate Gourmet affair. The act, manner or practice of managing comprises of the areas of policy and administration. The term management also encompasses the people that provide the direction and supervision necessary to control and monitor the implementation of the organizational objectives. Irrespective of the size of the organization the management becomes an important aspect of pursuing the business policies. Coordinating - and directing the various people connected with the organization through motivation, communication, leadership and channelising the efforts of all people to accomplish the organizational objectives Controlling - "is a four-step process of establishing performance standards based on the firm's objectives, measuring and reporting actual performance, comparing the two, and taking corrective or preventive action as necessary." (Bernard L. Erven 1994) 2.1 Development of New Management Thinking: While the traditional school of management philosophy identified the different functions that contribute to an effective management, there are some new thoughts have been evoked in the field of managements studies. According to Davenport and Prusak (2003) implementing the right idea at the right time can be the difference between success and failure for even established companies. After spending considerable time in research in the area of idea generation, the authors opine that companies that could implement new management ideas are bound to be more efficient in their operations, remain effective in their outlook towards business issues and they also adopt innovative techniques in their performance in different functional areas. This way these companies are able to outperform their competitors. Strategy is often considered a major part of the total management activity. Strategic thinking and Strategic Management are the most important activities undertaken by any business organization. Evans et al (2003) describe the term strategy to consist the following elements as put forth by Mintzberg: Plan: implies some activity which is

Business Law For Example Coca-Cola Research Paper

Business Law For Example Coca-Cola - Research Paper Example Further, through this report, it is clear that the company has the duty to ensure strict observance of the different laws to reduce the harm that any come as result of non-compliance. Given the sensitive nature of the business that the company (Coca-cola) engages in, it is important to ensure that the company abides by laws intellectual property. Given that Coca-Cola deals with secrets that must be protected. The advantage of this to the company is that they can protect their original ideas so that the inventions and innovations of the company. By listing their innovations and making use intellectual laws that protect their works. The essence of these laws is that they will encourage creativity in the company. Through these sought of these laws ensure that technologies are protected and that individuals who work to bring new ideas are encouraged to bring new innovations. The encouragement makes those involved in the innovation and secrets to enjoying the benefits of their hard earned labor. In this regard, the company should protect intellectual property through copyrights, patents, and trademarks (Edmonds, 2013). Through copyrights, the company is capable of protecting the expressive arts such as the shape of the bottles of soda. That would prevent any other person or organization from using or displaying such materials to the public. Patents, on the other hand, would protect the inventions of the company from being used by any other company. For example, Coca-Cola ingredients are protected and that make them exclusive to the company. On the same note, the company can make use of trademarks to protect the name of the company from being used in any other place in the world. This also applies to products made by the company.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of mass tourism Essay

The socio-cultural, economic and environmental impact of mass tourism on Tokyo - Essay Example This paper presents fact-based analysis of the full gamut of the impact, mass tourism has on the functioning of Tokyo. Among the negative impacts of mass tourism in Tokyo are income inequality, class conflicts, social stress, cultural deterioration, deprivation of local people of access, ethical issues among others. Reformed tourism policies that promote appropriate resource allocation, investor and worker visitors, and conscious travel, should be adopted. There have emerged two opposing sides to the debate on whether mass tourism is good or bad. In particular, mass tourism is shrouded in quite a lot of controversies and debates with one side opposing and the other supporting mass tourism. The question many ask is whether mass tourism creates and increases exploitation or prosperity in the destination areas. By extension, questions are also raised about the possibility of responsible mass tourism and its effects on the culture, economy and environment of the destination areas. Those of the other side of the debate do not regard mass tourism as an exploitative activity; instead, eco-tourism holidays and package tours are viewed as forms of mass tourism that actually benefit local communities in destination areas. Mass tourism could really be great to local people and cultures, environment and economy if only the tourists respect the destinations local people and culture . In addition, host country and people must enjoy the opportunities of showing their unique economic, social and cultural practices and beliefs to their visitors (Totman, 2005). In addition, mass tourism should also expose the destination areas to the cultures of the visiting people. Tokyo, the capital city of Japan is one of the main tourism destinations in Asia, if not the entire world (Cullen, 2003). Hence, mass tourism affects life in Tokyo in one way or the other. The economic value of tourism in Tokyo soars well above 10 million Yen. Consisting of both local and foreign tourists, the main tourist attraction centres in Tokyo include but are not limited to entertainment districts, ubiquitous Japanese pop culture, stores and downtowns (Malm, 2000). The cultural districts of Shibuya and Harajuku come to mind when tourism in Tokyo is mentioned. In addition, museums such as the Tokyo National Museum, which is widely known for housing Japan’s artwork national treasures is a renowned tourist attraction, centre in Tokyo (Waley, 2007). Other attractions in Tokyo include Tsukiji Fish Market, the Senso-ji Temple, the Imperial Palace and the Meiji Shrine. That Tokyo is easily accessible via the Narita Airport and the Tokyo International Airport also makes it a

Business Law For Example Coca-Cola Research Paper

Business Law For Example Coca-Cola - Research Paper Example Further, through this report, it is clear that the company has the duty to ensure strict observance of the different laws to reduce the harm that any come as result of non-compliance. Given the sensitive nature of the business that the company (Coca-cola) engages in, it is important to ensure that the company abides by laws intellectual property. Given that Coca-Cola deals with secrets that must be protected. The advantage of this to the company is that they can protect their original ideas so that the inventions and innovations of the company. By listing their innovations and making use intellectual laws that protect their works. The essence of these laws is that they will encourage creativity in the company. Through these sought of these laws ensure that technologies are protected and that individuals who work to bring new ideas are encouraged to bring new innovations. The encouragement makes those involved in the innovation and secrets to enjoying the benefits of their hard earned labor. In this regard, the company should protect intellectual property through copyrights, patents, and trademarks (Edmonds, 2013). Through copyrights, the company is capable of protecting the expressive arts such as the shape of the bottles of soda. That would prevent any other person or organization from using or displaying such materials to the public. Patents, on the other hand, would protect the inventions of the company from being used by any other company. For example, Coca-Cola ingredients are protected and that make them exclusive to the company. On the same note, the company can make use of trademarks to protect the name of the company from being used in any other place in the world. This also applies to products made by the company.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Black Cloud Essay Example for Free

A Black Cloud Essay The heart is an organ of fire, filled with intense love and intense hatred. Yet it is the hatred which entwines the lives of people causing them to display acts of violence and cruelty. Hatred is displayed through forms which include: prejudices towards large groups of people, crimes of hatred being committed, and indirect hatred which involves hurting others as an act of rebellion against someone or something. Throughout history, the world has been afflicted by the prejudices of powerful leaders who in turn took their animosity out on large masses of people. Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany during World War II, is a prime example of this. He took his hatred out on the Jews, forcing them into concentration camps. Another group that is a target of hatred are the blacks. The Ku Klux Klan, otherwise known as the KKK, possess intense hatred for the black race. Their hatred is demonstrated by marching in white cloaks in protest and also by burning the churches and neighborhoods of blacks. Just as Hitler and the KKK express hatred, the Skinheads are yet another group which have strong prejudices. See more: Basic Economic problem of Scarcity Essay These so called Skinheads abominate most races other than their own. White hooded silhouettes, German Soldiers echoing Hail Hitler! , and the infamous Skinheads are harsh reminders of hatred which exists throughout the world. In the same way that prejudices of large groups of people are expressed, hate crimes are committed to demonstrate acts of hatred. Most recent are the burning of black churches across the South. A crime of this sort shows hatred against the black race. Sometimes leading to manslaughter, racial tensions are abundant. Furthermore, the burning of crosses or flags are offensive crimes that are committed to show a persons hatred for religion or the government. Spousal abuse, child abuse, homicide, and wars between races can only be acts of one thing: hatred. Newspapers are filled with page after page of stories revealing the immense amount of hatred that our society possesses. Although crimes are committed to show hatred directly, there are other crimes which can also show hatred but in ways that are indirect. Think back to the Oklahoma City Bombing; it is a perfect example of indirect hatred. This is true because the motive of the bombers was to attempt to take revenge on the government, but instead the bombers took the lives of innocent people who were in the building. Moreover, the Empire State Building gunmans plan was to take revenge on his bitter enemies, who he blamed for making Palestinians homeless , according to a handwritten note he carried. Instead, one tourist was killed and five others were hospitalized in this attempt. Innocent bystanders, who are at the wrong place at the wrong time, are the ones who suffer most from acts of indirect hatred. A black cloud stifles society, suffocating the lives of people, causing pain and suffering. The eyes of mankind are blinded: unable to see passed prejudices. Generations carry the preconceptions of the ones before. Society needs to see the light and learn to accept.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Services Offered By Barclays Internet Banking Information Technology Essay

The Services Offered By Barclays Internet Banking Information Technology Essay In this report I seek to look at one of the big worldwide financial provider called Barclays and concentrate very much on its internet banking. Barclays has got 300 years of experience in banking ( 2010). Barclays bank offers internet banking and serves a large number of customers in the world. The report will also give an outline of the services offered by Barclays internet banking and a deep explanation will be given on how this internet banking is beneficial to the society. There are several services offered by Barclays internet banking. The internet banking services offered by Barclays are not different from the services offered by other banks which are involved in internet banking. Some of the transactions which can be done through internet banking are as follows (; Furthermore, Barclays online banking allows the user to open his bank account, do savings and investments, pay loans and mortgages, pay insurance as well as to contact international banking. Barclays internet banking also allows students to have their students account, approve their loans, share trading and many more services. Extend to which internet banking is beneficial to society In order to give a judgment on the extent to which internet banking is beneficial to society, two things are to be considered. These are advantages and disadvantages of internet banking to society. The services offered by Barclay internet banking are advantageous to society and detrimental in another way. So in order for me to give a judgment on the extent to which this internet banking is beneficial to society , I will also use the advantages of internet banking as given at ( as well as the general advantages and disadvantages of internet banking. ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET BANKING Convenient and easy Barclays bank provides free online banking and the services are given any time needed. With internet banking, the users can pay their bills, transfer their money, and check their balances while they are home. Whenever something urgent arises for example in paying the bills, users will not need to go to the bank but they can do their transactions right from their homes whenever they have access to internet. For some other people who go to work away from their bank branches, it becomes easy for them to access their accounts everywhere they are. It is also possible to use your mobile phone to access your bank information. Time efficient When opening an account, a lot of time is taken in doing the paper work. But using internet banking, the necessary procedures are clearly provided for users. In the case of Barclays, the necessary information for users is provided on the necessary websites. This makes it easy for business people because they dont waste most of their time standing on queue or finding where the bank is. Barclays provide information on how to get an online account. Safety Barclays provides safety for users of its internet banking services though many ways. These include making their regular checkup of their systems to make sure there are no problems, provision of security measures like automatic logoff, systems which can sense and protect the account from attack by internet hackers. The bank maximizes its risk management to make sure that every protective measure is done to ensure safety of the accounts. Furthermore enough information is given to people regarding how they should keep their login information- for example they should not send their login information to some people via some unnecessary and unprotected mails. Barclays takes its full responsibility in protecting the privacy of the users information. These include some warnings if the user does use the service unnecessarily. International banking With the globalization that is taking place in a fast growing world like this, people need everything to be fast. People now are contacting their business beyond their borders without any limitation. Internet banking allows users to access their banks accounts and do whatever transactions they want even though they are outside the country where their banks are. It is now easy to contact business from outside your country. In general, not all business has their braches all over the world but with internet banking it becomes possible to do everything from wherever you are. Accessibility With the fast growing world and technology, internet has become accessible to large parts of the world. Internet services are offered 24 hours every day in many parts of the world. Provided the availability of internet access, all users can log into their respective accounts. Value Internet banking is beneficial to people in the sense that the running costs are less. When using other banking ways, will need to pay a certain amount of money to go to a bank to transfer money, or to go where there is an Automated Machine to make a transfer. But using online banking all these can be performed while lying on your bed. DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET BANKING Forgery Many cases are reported about the forgery that takes place in online banking. With the advancing technology many people have devised some websites they can use to access other peoples user names and passwords. As a result if the banks do not have strong safety measures against this many people would lose their money as a result of hackers. However as I said reputable banks like Barclays have also devised safety measures against hackers. These include automatic log off, sites which detect hackers, protection of users privacy, teaching users how to protect their computers from hackers and so on. Less trust People in general do not put much trust in machine than they put on people. So the reason why there are only few people doing online banking, its because less trust is given to the way these machines operate. So many people will not want to take risks by doing online banking. CONCLUSION I have used Barclay bank as one of the major financial provider using internet banking. With the information that I obtained from the Barclays websites as well as other reputable websites in an effort to find out to what extend internet banking is beneficial to society. I have included several services offered by internet banking which included paying of bills, making of transfers and so on. Then in answering to what extend online banking is beneficial, I searched the advantages and disadvantages as shown above, some advantages included how easy it is to do all your transactions anytime , anywhere as covered in convenience . For disadvantages I also included the risk of forgery that can be done by other people to obtain other peoples login details and use them to steal their money. However after weighing the advantages and disadvantages I discovered that there are more benefits than disadvantages of internet banking to society. In conclusion, internet banking is beneficial to the society to a greater extend.